March 26th, 1998 |
Patch Problems? Try this...
Some people have been having problems using the 1.6+ upgrade patches. There is a solution that seems to work. As Homer said, I don't know the exact scientific reasoning, but fire makes it good!, wait...that doesn't quite apply here. Anyway, follow these steps to a (hopefully) error free patch installation.
I'm not sure at all why this works, but it does (apparently). Just be sure to backup any essential files (maps etc). Also, if you're doing this to go from 1.6 to 1.6a, you'll want to backup your GameCfg.wc which contains all your configuration settings. -autolycus |
March 24th, 1998 |
1.6 eh?
The patch for Worldcraft 1.6a has been released. This fixes a couple problems with the texture handling in .MAP files. Something to be careful about - This patch will overwrite your CmdSeq.wc and GameCfg.wc files. The CmdSeq.wc file holds your expert compile settings, so if you've made any changes to them since installing 1.6, you will want to back that up. If you are upgrading from a version of Worldcraft earlier than 1.6, you will need to overwrite the CmdSeq anyway. GameCfg.wc is the actual game configuration settings, including the Build Programs settings. If you don't want to go to the trouble of redoing these, you'll want to back this file up as well. Other new things in this release:
-autolycus |
March 19th, 1998 |
Editor Reviews
Gamespot has some articles posted today that should be of interest to designers. 3D Level Design: Expert Advice and 3D Level Design: Level Editors. The first should be of interest to all designers. The second, the editor reviews article, not so much so. I'd like to make a number of corrections and addendums to the editor review article in respect to Worldcraft. Corrections/Additions to 3D Level Design: Level Editors by Michael E. Ryan (note: since I could not find any email address for Mr. Ryan, you can email the Gamespot editor, Ian Howie with any comments you might have about the topic article (I encourage you to do so). As always, please keep things polite.)
Now, I don't want Mr. Ryan to take this as a harsh criticism, as he certainly had a large task. But it is such a common thing nowadays for people to just rush and not check the integrity of their work, and this is to noone's benefit (something i like to call "slack-ass" work). The reviews presented were by no means in depth. Many useful and essential features were completely left out. I also question the choice of editors to review. No offense intended towards DMM and qED, but it seems that the three most popular editors, judging from the Q2 editing mail list, are Worldcraft, BSP, and Qoole. The argument that BSP and Qoole are shareware so they weren't reviewed doesn't stand up...correct me if i'm wrong, but so is Worldcraft. -autolycus |
March 14th, 1998 |
Welcome Yahn
Well there were a few interesting things that came out of the Valve interview this afternoon. The cockroach AI sounds magnificent :) and the way Half-Life will handle multiple game DLLs sounds great. More importantly, this was the first time it has been publicly announced that Yahn Bernier, creater of the BSP editor, has been hired at Valve. I'd like to wish Yahn good luck at Valve! -autolycus |
March 10th, 1998 |
Hexen II FGD boo boo
This was brought to my attention today - for anyone using Worldcraft 1.6 to build Hexen II maps, open up hexen2.fgd in whatever text editor you want, and search for "Apearflags" ... find it, and replace it with "Appearflags" ... that will give you back the Artifacts. Doh!@# I don't know how that slipped in there. -autolycus |
March 9th, 1998 |
shareware dilemma?
I received the following piece of email today.
First, i'd like to say that I have no connection to making a decision about what will be shareware and what wont. I AM interested in hearing what you have to say about it. Now, here's my view on why I don't think 1.6 should be shareware. First, look at the concept of shareware. As I see it, the concept is 'try before you buy'. Look at Quake shareware. You get the first episode. You buy the full game. You get all the episodes. People didn't complain that "I might not like the ending levels." Freeware, on the other hand, gives people the whole program and depends on them to contribute if they feel the program is useful. Worldcraft is shareware, not freeware. (Note: also, regarding emailing Valve and/or Sierra and complaining about Worldcraft: Their main concern is and should be Half-Life, so if you feel the need to comment to them, please do so in a polite and mature manner. You would be better off mailing with your comments, as stated below) Just my 9 cents. I talked to Brian Smedley, head of game and utility development at ACD Systems, and here was his response to the above email, and the whole shareware/registered issue.
-autolycus |
March 8th, 1998 |
Hello there
Well, after a much needed weekend of rest, I've come back to civilization. Fixed the broken urls. Tidied up a bit. Blah. So, anyway, i'm interested to hear what people have to say about 1.6. Constructive things please. Mail me. I'll try to use some of this constructive feedback to guide future testing of Worldcraft. -autolycus |
March 6th, 1998 |
I'm doing this from out of town. I don't know which of the below links are valid, so check out the Worldcraft homepage for a list of valid links. I'll fix this stuff monday. Doh!@# Worldcraft 1.6!@# It's out. Get it at:
What's the word? I had a chance to ask Choryoth (John Guthrie of Valve software) a few questions about Worldcraft 1.6. Here's what he had to say.
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