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April 30th, 1997 |
Carving lessons With the help of Somberfire I've added a new sections to Tips/tricks on how to carve and avoid errors. Great information here for everyone to check out..... Also my E-mail was broken for the last couple weeks.. If you sent me e-mail and it bounced, send it again. Loki Moving...bah... DASC - autolycus |
April 27th, 1997 |
...more on the WCU... For such short notice, there was a good turn-out for the class...we really have to start scheduling these things in advance. :) Thanks to Dumbals for teaching, and everyone else for showing up. The class log has been posted in the WCU section, and there will soon be an example map from Dumbals as well, Keep in mind that these classes are for you, and we would like to know what topics you would like to see covered. - autolycus |
April 24th, 1997 |
April 20th, 1997 |
wads...utils...misc... Sorry for the lack of updates from me lately. Im in the middle of moving, and will be for the next two or three weeks. Got some cool stuff today tho. I received a third WAD handling utility from Geoff Phillips, SubWad, which allows you to subtract textures from wad1.wad, that are already in wad2.wad. Very very handy! Its posted in the Files section under utilities. Also new to the Files section are three new WAD files: the CTF 4.0 wad file, as well as the Hipnotic and Rogue mission pack WAD files. Nice new stuff, check it out. Remember, these WADs are for non-profit use...putting them on a commercial CD will result in you being tracked down and sold to Actura or something... - autolycus |
April 18th, 1997 |
Cory (Reptilian) Hill from the The 32 Player Quakeworld Level Project sent me news that John Carmack might be releasing a new QBSP some time soon. Here's what John had to say : "There are some floating point epsilon issues with the bsp programs. John Carmack What *IS* a BSP? I've had a few people send me requests for more information on techincal aspects of what QBSP is and how it works. They'll probably want to check out The BSP Tree FAQ. A warning: this stuff isn't for the feint of heart. The FAQ begins by defining a BSP tree as : [...] a data structure that represents a recursive, hierarchical subdivision of n-dimensional space into convex subspaces. BSP tree construction is a process which takes a subspace and partitions it by any hyperplane that intersects the interior of that subspace. The result is two new subspaces that can be further partitioned by recursive application of the method. *Whew* |
April 15th, 1997 |
Registered Worldcraft CD Update :
Got word from Acdsystems (Worldcraft's distributor) that the CD's ARE comming. They've been backlogged with E-mail recently from people wanting to know when they'll be getting their CD. The CDs were shipped out by mail on Wednesday the 7th. That's from Canada - so us Canadians should get them soon (17th?), US a little later, and however long it might take for the rest of the world. You will be getting the latest version (1.3) of Worldcraft if you have at anytime registered WC - even if you already have an old CD. 1.3 has a number of bug fixes and a couple new features. Check Ben's worklog. for a list of what will be in 1.3. Oh, and... It looks like the printers messed up and the first 150 CDs to say ver 1.1 instead of ver 1.3. If you're one of those "lucky" people to get one of those CDs... rest assured you have 1.3.. and possibly a collectors item :) - Loki |
April 14th, 1997 |
Another note from Ken Alverson, regarding keeping track of levels that have been optimized for GLQuake's transparent water with the modified QBSP:
- autolycus |
April 13th, 1997 |
to water, or not to water... Regarding the new Hip QBSP by Ken Alverson raising r_speeds by letting VIS see through water, this is what the author had to say:
New Hipnotic QBSP... (!!!)
Worldcraft University... - autolycus |
April 11th, 1997 |
A time to kill... Ok, some people asked if I could give the class in some different time zones...so, this sunday's class (which is 2pm PDT I suppose), will be at 11pm CET (central european time). It will be an excellent opportunity for any people who are writing TCs and other Quake .qc mods to get some information about how to make their mods be supported by Worldcraft for editing purposes. - autolycus |
April 8th, 1997 |
The Worldcraft Homepage has moved and been updated with some new information. You can now find the page at http://www.gamecraft.com There's also some info about the CDs being shipped, and Ben has updated his worklog so we can get a look at some of the new features comming in the next version.
I've also updated the Tips and Tricks section with some information about distances in Quake relating to how far the player can jump, fall, etc. Great stuff for those trap fanatics. The next WCU class will be held Sunday, April 13th, at 2pm PST (really! :) on QuakeNet, Planet Quake's new quake IRC network (irc.planetquake.com, port 6667), in the #worldcraft channel, as usual. There will be an unmoderated chat channel (#wc-chat) which I will also watch for questions. This weeks topic will be Worldcraft's quake.fgd file, and how to modify it. I will be covering all aspects of the FGD format, how to make your own FGD entities, and how to modify Worldcraft's default quake.fgd to accept your own and other people's modifications. More information about the FGD format can be found in the Add-ons section. Also, started to add more prefabs to the prefab section...there's a cool Quake Rally prefab that contains some track prefabs, including tunnels, curves, and bridges. If you're doing Quake Rally levels, this is definitely worth a peek. - autolycus |
April 7th, 1997 |
Registered Worldcraft CD's on their way! - Just got word from Ben that the new Worldcraft CD's should be shipped tomorrow. The new CDs come with WC version 1.3 and several prefab libraries made by our very own autolycus, and Somberfire. Some great stuff. All those people that registered should be getting the CDs soon, along with all those people who've already received the old CDs.
The initial response to The Forge has been great! Tones of e-mail with praise and great feedback. We've done some fixes and cleanups. I've added some info to the tips section about increasing the number or particles Quake will display to find those leaks... Also, read on Frag.com that Gateway has written an article titled "designing levels with speed in mind." This is a great article; a must read for anyone who does serious level editing. You can find it on the Rogue home page, in the studio section. -Loki |
April 6th, 1997 |
nite time... I added a new example showing the use of the Hipnotic entities func_counter, func_earthquake, and func_rubble to the file section (and also linked from the entity section). Its neat. Its informative. Try it. Its good for you. late in the afternoon... Ack! Ok, a little confusion today...3pm CST should have been 3pm AST (autolycus standard time)...I don't have daylight savings time here, so I really have no clue what time it is anywhere right now (except that its a half hour later in Newfoundland :)...from now on, i'll stick to PST or EST. Class was good, the log and example file has been posted. You may have been wondering why the page wasn't getting updated too often lately...well...this is why! :) The Forge is now open for bizz...updates will now be more regular...Also, be sure to check out the WCU section...this is its new home, and will be updated regularly to keep you posted on the class schedule, and provide the class logs and example maps. If you've emailed me in the past week or so, and I haven't replied...try again. I was trying to finish writing up a couple sections for the page, and I didn't take much time out to answer mail, so it kinda built up...ick. Quite possibly, you're question has already been answered by something from here at The Forge. I think I also have a few user prefabs sitting in my download directory...i'll look at em tonite and post a few soon. - autolycus I also just posted my own quake.fgd in the add-ons section, for those people who don't want to modify it themselves. earlier today... We've finally got the 'new' page online. Me and Autolycus have been slaving for a number of weeks to get this put together and I think we're pretty happy with the result. There's probably still a few rough edges to clean up - most notably the "errors" section needs to be written - but hopefully we'll have the last few pieces put together in a few days.. Make sure you check out the "entity" section. Autolycus put a tonne of work into creating a definitive list of ALL the Quake entities, including those for the Hipnotic pack. Defiantly a great source of editing information. If you notice anything amiss please let us know... and most importantly if you think we're missing something or there's something you'd like to see us have tell us! And don't forget.. WCU class today: 3pm CST (1PM PST, 4PM EST). on #worldcraft on CLANnet. Autolycus will be giving instruction on how to make those cool Hipnotic traps. Word is he's got another great example level... - Loki |
April 4th, 1997 |
The next WCU class is scheduled for Sunday, April 6th, at 3pm CST. See the WCU section for details. |