The Forge Worldcraft News
August 28, 1997
FTP Error

Could not login to FTP server

Sorry, the current limit of 2000 users has been reached.
Please try again in a few minutes.


If you try to download anything from the Forge (and a lot of other Planetquake sites), you might get this error message. Its because CDROM.COM's maximum number of users has been reached (obviously), but if you're using Internut Exploder, you'll get a slightly more cryptic message: "Could not get file : Server returned extended message". So, don't fret, its probably just because the hexenII demo is being downloaded (and askdjhgfkjghfd;' dammit it doesn't run well on my 486/120...heh).


August 21, 1997

I'm gone for a week, back to the land of nocomputerville (yeah! home!). So, don't expect much from me until tuesday or wednesday, dammit. Have fun with the hexen 2 demo, which i get to miss being released...bah...make sure to send Loki lots of email...bug him about the tutorial and stuff... :). Later...

-autolycus (hee hee...Loki's gonna kill me for that...)

August 20th, 1997
Times, they are a changin'...

We made a few changes to the Forge today. You will notice there's no more interview section. The paradoX interview was moved to the Guru section, which will now become a bit more "all-purpose", housing any future interviews we do. The Hipnotic IRC interview has moved back to the WCU section (03/16/97) of which it was originally a part of.

You might also notice there's a new section, Contact, which will show you who to get in touch with for what, to help you get a quicker response, and so we can be more productive. We'll get around to changing any of the email references on the Forge to point to that section sometime soon...

As usual, if i've broken any links or done something wrong, let me know!

New Old news

Guess I should've pointed this out before. The Worldcraft Homepage has been updated with some neato animated gifs showing how to use some of worldcraft's coolio features. Here is an example of building a room. Check the homepage for more!

Lego my...quego?

Thanks to Chris \"Mondane\" Simpson for sending me a prefab of lego pieces...check it out in the Prefabs section. Ah, lego...the original level design system. :) I had this huge box of lego...


August 18th, 1997
WCU too.

Cool...we have two wcu classes lined up...there's one this wednesday about general editing, and one will be held live at the Fray. I'll try to have logs of both of them (if possible) posted soon after the classes. Check out the WCU section for more details on times, locations, fat content, etc...


August 16th, 1997
See the light.ol

Jamis Eichenauer sent me a cool set of prefab light fixtures. This is some very nice work. Check it out in the prefabs section. Now, more, more...


August 12, 1997
Raining Scrags and Shamblers

I received a very cool example map from Murderous today. Its an example of how to use the Hipnotic entities to produce a stormy thunder and lightning effect, and it turned out quite well. It's in the Files, Example Maps, Hipnotic Storm. Be sure to read the text file included. It is very helpful, and will explain alot of questions you might have about the example's technical details.

File not found.

You may notice that some files may not automatically appear to be available, even when the link has been newly posted. This is because all the Forge file links are pointed at files on, and it can take up to an hour for to mirror the file.


August 11th, 1997
Double-Yew See Who?

Just a note about the WCU classes (yes, they still live, kinda). These are (and really, always have been) open to anyone who wants to teach or watch. Any level editing topic that needs covering is good. If anyone feels like they want to teach a class, get in touch with me and we'll arrange something. I think we have something good here, and I'd like to see it continue.


August 8th, 1997
Worldcraft, too!

PC Gamer online has a small review of Worldcraft 2.0, which will be included with Half-Life. There's also some new screenshots showing Vertex Manipulation and Plane Clipping, among other things. Here's the meat:

[...] you will be very interested to hear that the new version has added a few new features that makes life easier for level designers. The most notable of these is the ability to do plane clipping and vertex manipulation. Plane clipping allows you to slice off portions of a brush to make it the exact shape you want. This was possible in version 1.x with the brush subtraction feature but anyone who has used plane-clipping knows it is much faster and easier. Vertex manipulation allows you to drag a single vertex of a brush independent of other vertices. This is a valuable feature because it lets level designers align and re-shape brushes much more accurately. Another new feature is the ability to have WorldCraft temporarily ignore group selection information.

(Thanks goes to Zaphod, who would also like to thank Imaginos, who thanks God, who thanks me, er...nevermind)

Its alive, its alive!!! (WCU, that is)

I talked to DuMbals on IRC today, and here's an interesting little bit of news he gave me:

<DuMbals> WCU lives again! There will be a class tought by me at one of the days of The Fray ( between Aug 21-24 on however many features of the new WC as I'm allowed and know of. Cya there!
<autolycus> this will be a live class right? as in, you, in front of people?
<DuMbals> yep

-autolycus (i'm surprised i got this update up...win95 is being a stoopid head tonite...)

August 7th, 1997
Worldcraft Homepage gets updated!

The Worldcraft homepage has been updated with some news about some of the new features that will be coming in the next version as well as mention of the new DirectX. Oh... And they talk about us! Wee.. :)


Lookit em fly!

Er, that is...I just moved most of the Forge's files to, so any downloads should experience some improved speed. If anyone finds any broken links or anything, please drop me a line.

Can you feel it yet?


August 6th, 1997
Designer's Guide to Multiplayer Quake Gameplay

Everyone should go check out this article on the Expert Quake page . Myrkul has done some excellent work on explaining some of the crucial elements to consider when designing games and levels for Quake. This is defiantly a 'must read' if you're planning on releasing a level.


August 2nd, 1997
Random Updates..

Figured I'd do some updating to let you know how things are going.

We're still hurrying along trying to get the page all finished up for the next big release of Worldcraft. The Tutorial is coming along. I've finished up sections dealing with building doors, lifts, trains, etc. Fixed up mistakes and making some things clearer and updated some of the screenshots. (Some of them are from the original beta days before Worldcraft was released!) When finished it will include a section on brush manipulation (the basics of shear, rotate, etc.) with Vertex manipulation and instruction on good carving practices.

I'm also planning on adding some new sections into tips/tricks. I plan to add a sections on "How to release a level" that will include things to look for in your level, where to release, and text files to include. Also a section on copyright of your level and your rights as an artist with your work and info on people distributing CD's.

Of course we're updating the files and links section, as well. Cleaning up some of the graphics (is it just me, or does that silly logo have a faint yellow background??) and fixing up a few problems here and there.

If you have any suggestions as to what you might want added to the site, or information that would fit in well let me know and I'll get right on it.

Also, I'm attempting to corner Ben Morris and get some official word on what we can expect in the new version as well as what we can expect in support for future games like Quake II, Unreal, etc....


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The Forge: The Official Worldcraft Editing Site - ©1997