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December 26th, 1997

Happy Boxing Day. Hope everyone's holidays were groovy and stuff.


"it doesnt really talk about advanced features such as how to make a door"

please Please PLEASE read through this site before saying stuff like this in your emails...this type of comment always seems to come from a particular group of users... *sigh*


December 20th, 1997
It's beginning to feel alot like quake-mas...

Ok, that was bad :) but it seems like everyone's putting up their christmas logos. Thank's to Overload for the christmas Forge logo!


December 18th, 1997
Q2 Support

Valve announced that the planned Worldcraft support for Quake2 should be available before the end of the month. Check out the press release as mentioned on the Worldcraft homepage news section, or from yesterdays Blue's News update.


December 16th, 1997
I'm baaa-aaack

Welp, i've been away since late thursday night... I guess a bit has happened since then. I received alot of email since then (696 pieces to be exact - yeesh), and anything that wasn't from one of the q2 mailing lists was from someone asking about quake2 and worldcraft.

First, let me direct you to the December 9th entry of the Forge news. All questions pertaining to Quake2 in Worldcraft should be directed to Valve Software until something official is released. Second...hell...I only installed Quake2 on my machine 5 minutes ago...there isn't a heck of a lot I can tell you about it yet.

So....I can't tell you what to do if it appears like your missing a file, or where to get palette.pcx, or how to get the quake2 texture wad... Sorry :( If/when Valve adds the Quake2 support, then I will be able to help...but I've got just as many questions as anybody right now...


December 14th, 1997
Worldcraft and Quake II

As promised, here's the things you need to make Quake II maps with Worldcraft.
Eek!: The above link was pointed to a corrupted zip file, it has been fixed, sorry for any inconvenience! /casey

NOTE: While this allows you to make Quake II maps, it doesn't give you access to all the capabilites of Quake II. Currently you can't adjust the surface attributes (this requires modifing the .map format, so a new EXE will be needed) This means you can't make walls transparent, assign detail brushes, or rotate brushes. You can still to 90% of the work: create the maps, add textures, add entites and most importantly - play them.

This zip includes WADs, a new FGD (done by Taskmaster of the Multiplayer Quake Site), Qbsp3, Qvis3, Qrad3, colormap.pcx and wc.pal. There's also instructions on how to get all this stuff working...

Big thanks to Casey from clan Burning Chrome for putting this together for me!

-- Loki

December 14th, 1997
Worldcraft and Quake II

Well, in answer to everyone's questions "Will Worldcraft support Quake II", the answer is it _does_ support Quake II. You just need to add in the entities into the FGD file, extract the textures and update the pallet. No new version of Worldcraft needed. I should have this all done by tomorrow (Thanks to some other Worldcraft enthusiasts around the net).


December 9th, 1997
Quake2 and Worldcraft

I shamelessly ripped this off from Somberfire over at the Worldcraft homepage. Ok, ok, he asked me too. :)

Information about Quake 2 and Hexen 2 support is now out of my hands. Valve Software, as most of you know, own Worldcraft. They asked me to direct all questions about features such as this to them. If you have any questions please email Valve Software about it. Any questions about editing Worldcraft I still would like to answer, so please do email me.

Feel free to email me as well, although as you can see, the Quake2 support is out of my hands for now.

Quake 2? What's Quake 2?

Ok, strictly for your amusement, here are some of the replies i've received from various stores when i've asked about a Quake2 store date. Name's have been ommitted to protect the innocent...and the lAymUrz.

  • "Quake2? That's a game, right?" - no, its a hair product...nevermind...bah....
  • "Quake2? That hasn't been released yet." - oh...sure...ok...bye....<click> grrr
  • "I'm not sure whats happening with Quake2. I'm calling Blizzard right now about it." - Blizzard? oh...ok, you do that...
  • "Quake2? Nope, no word on that, I don't know when we'll get it." - Thanks for staying on top of things pal! grrr


December 3rd, 1997
It's uh...December? Really?

Wow, I can't believe its December already. I mean, I really CAN'T believe's still sunny and dry snow at all. (For ANYWHERE in Canada (except Victoria perhaps...bah :) this is odd) El Nino roolz. :) Sorry for the lack of updates lately, things are getting quite busy here, as I'm working on a number of projects. I'll try and at least keep up to date with the news posts here. I mean, i'll try. No promises. :)

Things are probably going to be a little slow around the mid to end month...I mean, there's Christmas and all, but it's also my birthday on the 19th, and there's Quake2, I mean, I just hafta play it. If at all possible (again, no promises) I'll try and have some kind of support available for Q2 mapping soon after i get my greedy little hands on the entity info. I'm not sure about the status of the compile utils...I thought I heard they would be on the cd...and i'm also not sure whether you will be able to compile a map that is output from Worldcraft yet...


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