The Forge Worldcraft News
daily comment
The world of antitrust is reminiscent of Alice's Wonderland: everything seemingly is, yet apparently isn't, simultaneously.
May 31st, 1998
MPlayer Quake Editing Site of the Month Award for May 98

Hey lookee here! DarkViper over at MPlayer informed me that The Forge has been nominated as the Quake editing site for May. Cool!


May 26th, 1998
FGD Schtuff.

The Add-Ons section underwent a long awaited and much needed overhaul. It's more "manual" like now, I think. It should be easy enough to follow. If you have comments or questions, let me know.


May 23rd, 1998
TeamFortress FGD (updated)

Big thanks goes out to SailorFrag[NaC] for sending in a TeamFortress FGD file. It's based on the Worldcraft 1.6 Quake FGD, but if you are using Worldcraft 1.5b, you can follow the steps outlined below.

  • TeamFortress FGD
    This file is built on top of the Worldcraft 1.6 FGD file and will not work correctly with lesser versions. To make it compatible with earlier versions, follow the steps outlined below.
  • SailorFrag's TF Map Tutorial
    (note: at the time of posting this, I was unable to get through to this site...this should be just a temporary problem)
note: previously, i mentioned you could just copy the modifications from the end of the teamfort.fgd onto the end of your 1.5b quake.fgd. !!THIS IS INCORRECT!! There are certain baseclasses and entities that have been modified, and you should instead follow the steps below.

Modifying the TeamFortress FGD to work with Worldcraft 1.5b

I don't have a copy of 1.5b installed on my system right now, but this should be a simple task. Follow the steps below:

1. Open teamfort.fgd in a text editor.
2. Below the first set of comments, insert the following:

@Main =
     Name: "Quake (TeamFortress)"
     Palette: "wc.pal"
     DefaultClass: "func_door"
3. Save and exit.


May 17th, 1998

Some lame-0 got interviewed on VX Half-Life. Mentioned something about Worldcraft 2.0 once or twice I think.


May 16th, 1998
Canyon Outpost

I have to say, this level is one of the coolest i've seen in a long time. Canyon Outpost, by Brian "wendigo" Hess, is a DM level good for 4 - 16 players. The one drawback, there's so much cool stuff in the level, you may find yourself getting fragged while you stand there looking at stuff. :) This is definitely worth looking at.

May 14th, 1998
Interview with Jamie Mactaggart

Lots of people would love to find themselves making money in the game industry. For level designers, it has been happening quite frequently. David Allen did an interview with Jamie Mactaggart who is a level designer for TF2. Go. Read. Now.

May 10th, 1998
Argh!@# Errors!@#!@! sfklshdfasdf

Tim Wright, the Argh man himself, was kind enough to check out the ArghRad modified FGD stuff and do some tweaking and fixing. Consequently, the ArghRad FGD stuff has been updated. Tim actually sent this to me on the 8th, but i had a crazy weekend and hadn't looked at it until today. If you're downloading the ArghRad FGDs zip file, make sure it is 10,048 bytes.

May 7th, 1998

Looking for information on making textures? Looking for brand-spanking-new textures? Well don't ask me about em! :) Head on over to the Wally page, where you'll find the answers to the above, and much much more!

May 3rd, 1998
shareware dilemma revisited

Hung out in Undernet #worldcraft a bit today. Saw someone mention their disappointment that Worldcraft 1.6 is not being offered as shareware. That reminded me of this news update:

The way I see it, after 20 minutes of playing around with Worldcraft shareware, you will know whether a) you like it, and b) its easy to use, regardless of whether you compiled a map or just spent some time learning how to make a map. 1.6a is just 1.5b with full Quake2 support.


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