The Forge Worldcraft News
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November 27th, 1997
Order stuff now!

Somberfire told me to take a look at the Worldcraft Order Page, and lo and behold, there's stuff there that wasn't there last time I looked! You can order Worldcraft (well duh), qME, the ELM CD, and a few combinations of all of them. Check it out! Also availabe there are 3 sound packed CDs and QPEd.


Well, i've finally gone the gl route. Imagine, i've been playing on a 486 with unaccelerated video before now. I can't believe it either. I see why this quake thing is popular! :) I upgraded my system last week. My Pure3d and Total3d came by Fed-Ex yesterday. What a hassle!! First, the cards we're delayed from shipping for two weeks. Then they arrived yesterday, great! But I was told they didn't clear customs in time to be delivered, but I could come and pick them up if i wanted them right away. Cool, I'm there! So, while I was driving over to pick up the cards, they went ahead and sent them out anyway! Argh! So, I ended up waiting for two and a half hours for the delivery dude to come back so I could take the cards home yesterday.

Was the wait worth it? Most definitely and positively YES!


November 25th, 1997
Geoff Phillips section

The Editing Utilities section of the Files is starting to look like the Geoff Phillips section. He's come out with yet another utility. UpdBSP allows you to quickly update a Quake .BSP with new textures without a time consuming recompile. Be sure to read the included .doc for usage info.


November 24th, 1997
I'm Baaaa-aaack

Upgrades, formatted harddrives, new stuff...long story. Oh yeah... <grumble> <grumble> where's my video cards...

Malice Development Kit

Ed Cope from Team Epochalypse let me know that he's released the Malice Developer's Kit which includes the Malice texture wad, custom Worldcraft .fgd, palette, and design tutorial. Get it from the link in the Files section, or check out the Team Epochalypse website.

Cool level man

Ok, one of the coolest single player levels i've seen, Iikka Keränen has released The Secret Installation. It is very well done, and is highly reminiscent of the q2test's base theme. Check it out at the SPQ Level Heaven.


November 11th, 1997
IonStorm & Daikatana Stuff

Ok, this really doesn't have much to do with Worldcraft or editing, but JudgeCal ICQ'd me something pretty cool:

I encoded the Vid from usual low and high. They did a great job on this one as well! Go here for Diakatana preview from the Frag:

low bandwidth
high bandwith

Example Maps

Well, it was about time I added more example maps. The latest two (Jumpming Monsters and One-Way Windows) have been added to the Example Maps in the Files section. I'd like some feedback as to what other examples you'd like to see there.


One thing you should know about the official hexen utilities - they won't work with the current version of Worldcraft. I imagine there will be a fix for this soon.

Official Hexen II Utils Released

The Hexen II Utilities (3.8 MB) are now available, featuring Hexen II versions of Light, Vis, BSP, and the Hexen II script compiler (including source). While this is an unsupported release, if you find bugs you can email (put "H2_Utils" in the subject line). (copied that from Blue's).

As usual, the files are in the file section.


November 9th, 1997
This just in!

Neal White III just sent me ReMipDLX, a nifty program for remipping your BSP files to get higher quality mip textures. Here's the explanation from the readme:

ReMipDLX is a utility program which reads Quake 1 style, 256 color MIP, WAD, or BSP files and rebuilds all the MIPs contained within. (A MIP is four images of the same texture bitmip at four sizes 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and 8:1). ReMipDLX is designed using image-processing techniques to produce the highest quality sub-MIPs for improved visuals during gameplay.

Also included in the ZIP file is a PCX picture of some comparisons between the standard Quake texures, AdQuedit versions, and ReMipDLX versions. Be sure to check it out.


November 7th, 1997
The Hexen II saga continues...

Eric Hobbs has released a new version of the Hexen II compile utilities which should now be a little more memory efficient as the hexbsp has been broken into two parts, hexcsg and hexbsp. As well, a new version of hexvis is included that irons out some issues it previously had with sound producing textures. As always, its available in the Files section.


November 5th, 1997
Hexen II FGD version 0.91

Gah! aifhdskjhfgdskad!!E wkhw~~~!!!!! that i've said that...i've found out there was a bit of a problem with the second FGD file. This has been corrected and version 0.91 is now available for download. Here's what was added to the readme.txt, as an explanation:

Why 0.91???

Version 0.90 got screwed up somehow...<cough>it was late, I was tired</cough> hex2-2.fgd was abnormally was just a freak of nature...the files in 0.91 are much better now. :)

Hexen II FGD version 0.9

Whew...well, its finally done. Almost. :) Here's the readme.txt from the Hexen II FGD file

Hexen FGD 0.9

Finally! This set of FGD files will give Worldcraft the necessary support to let you edit Hexen II maps.

The reason they are broken into 3 separate file is that Worldcraft cannot currently handle the large ammount of entities all at once. This problem is being addressed now. When it is corrected I will release version 1.0 of the FGD. I prefer not to release betas of anything but I know a lot of people (including me!) are anxious to design some Hexen II levels.


The Hexen II FGDs are used just like any other FGD for Worldcraft. Since Worldcraft loads the first FGD file it comes accross, all you have to do is change the extension of the appropriate file (hex2-1.fgd.x, hex2-2.fgd.x, or hex2-3.fgd.x) to .fgd

  • hex2-1.fgd contains all the artifacts, plus the func_*, fx_*, item_*, light_*, and misc_* entities.
  • hex2-2.fgd contains all the monster_* and obj_* entities
  • hex2-3.fgd contains rider_*, Ring_*, sprite_*, trap_*, trigger_*, and several miscellaneous entities.

What Else Do I Need?

Besides these custom FGD files, you will also need Hexen II (well duh! heh) and new QBSP, LIGHT, and VIS. Although Raven has not released the official tools yet, Eric Hobbs ( has hacked together some utils to do the job. You can get a copy of the tools at the Forge files.

As well, you will need the hexen II palette. It is included here with the Hexen II FGD files. You will need this to properly view the Hexen II texture WAD. Place it in the worldcraft/ directory along with the FGD files. You can use Worldcraft to extract the textures from the Hexen II .pak files.

Help Me!

If you need a better explanation of setting up Worldcraft to use the Hexen II FGDs, drop me an email. Please don't email asking how to use the entities yet...i've only played with a small portion of them, and can't be of much help yet.

I *would* appreciate feedback. If you find any errors, or things that don't work, or do work but aren't included, please drop me an email.

You will have to change a couple things to edit hexen maps. Registered Worldcraft users have it a bit easier. They can make an expert compile profile setup to compile the hexen maps. Shareware users will need to change their game directory to whatever directory Hexen is in and also rename the hexen utils to the standard QBSP, LIGHT, and VIS file names.


November 4th, 1997
Good news and Bad news

Well...there's good news and bad news. The good news...i should be finished with the Hexen II FGD soon (i'm 59.920% done now) ...and the bad news won't be able to use the Hexen II FGD with the current versions of Worldcraft. Unfortunately, it is too large...there are 252 entities...

What I might do is release it in two pieces, so you can use half of the entities at one time, then reload wc with the other half. This is obviously just a temporary workaround until the next version of Worldcraft is released, where hopefully this problem will be corrected.

While on the topic of the Hexen entities, I have to say that there is some very cool design possibilies with them. There are tons of objects that will allow you to set up your level to look "real"...barrels, carts, chests, pots, chairs, etc. As well, there are some very cool new brush based entities...pressure plates that require a certain mass on top of them before triggering, breakable stuff, floating (in water) stuff, and much more. To populate the level, you have over 30 monsters. I can't wait to see some of the cool maps that will be made for this game!


November 3, 1997
Hexen II FGD, getting closer

35.317% done. gimme a break...there's 252 entities...this will definitely be a cool game to make levels for.

Hexen II FGD

In case anyone's wondering...the Hexen II FGD is being worked on right now. It's about 15.873% (you know, approximately) done. Expect it in the next day or two.


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