The Forge Worldcraft News
October 29th, 1997
Hexen II FGD

Among other things, I have been working on the Hexen II FGD lately. Its going very slowly...mainly because Raven has still not released the official HC code and compiling utils. This wasn't supposed to be a problem, as both Raven and Activision said they would get me the necessary info, as having Worldcraft support is a Good Thing™. Well, I haven't heard anything for quite a while about the hc or utils...ah well...

The HC code that was ripped from the hexen II progs.dat is helping a bit, but it just can't compare to the commented code that will (?) be released by Raven. The hacked together compiling utils are working enough for me to test maps, but im sure the official tools will work better.

* autolycus waits and waits and waits...still, nothing


October 24th, 1997
Half-Life/Worldcraft 2.0 Preview

Anyone interested in finding out a bit more about one of the hottest upcoming editor/game combos should check out the Game Designer's Corner. I've posted my preview of Half-Life and Worldcraft 2.0. Needless to say, I was quite impressed, and I hope this shows through in the article.

Whoa, this is cool

Thanks goes to Jonathan Daughtrey for pointing out that Worldcraft and The Forge is mentioned in this month's GamePro magazine!

Hey, I was reading this month's gamepro and read a little article on game desigining for computers. They showed how users can create their own levels with WorldCraft which they raved about and they mentioned your site for the best info and turorials for WorlCraft! Pretty Cool eh?

Pretty cool indeed...but, doh, I can't find October's issue anywhere...only November's. Ah well...that's still pretty damn cool.

PQ go boom?

PlanetQuake experienced some slight technical difficulties (Understatement of the Week™) over the last 20 odd hours. Now that its fixed, PQ should be more stable than ever!


October 20th, 1997
Qwake Tew Test

Well...what can I say, id releases something new and cool, and productivity drops. Let me recount all that has happened in the last four days besides the release of the first Quake 2 test: uh...

Well, that about sums it up. At least, that's all that i've seen...i've been busy playing around with q2test.

Oh Yeah...

Almost forgot... :) ...I updated the Game Designer's Corner with an article by Myrkul, entitled Designer's Guide to Multiplayer Quake Gameplay. It's a good read, check it out at the Game Designer's Corner.


October 16th, 1997
Tutorial update:

The Tutorial has been updated with some new info on making doors, trains, lifts, teleporters, etc. Check it out!

- Loki

October 15th, 1997
New QuakeFGD Pack

I've posted version 1.5 of what has turned into the QuakeFGD Pack. Included now are updated versions of the Standard, Hipnotic, Rogue, and Zerstorer FGD files, with a brief readme.txt explanation of how to use everything. Check it out in the Files usual, send me feedback.


October 14th, 1997
Happy Birthday to PQ

PlanetQuake is one year old today. Awww...isn't it cute?

Game Designer's Corner! Go look!

I'm happy to announce a new addition to the current PQ features, The Game Designer's Corner. This will be a collection of articles with topics somehow related to game design - programming, level editing, sound, art, and more. Submissions are open to anyone, so contact the editor (er, me!) if you'd like to write something.

This weeks batch of articles mostly deals with level design stuff, although there is an article by Nelno that explains some of the ins and outs of bot programming. So...go check it out! :) There is a link available from the PlanetQuake main navigation bar.


October 13th, 1997
Happy Thanksgibbing

It's a holiday for all us Canucks...woo and stuff.


October 10th, 1997
Worldcraft 1.5b, again

Ok, The new version of worldcraft has been posted. If you think you already downloaded it again. :) All the "Whats new" stuff still holds true, but now everything works and stuff. Good concept. :) Go get it.


October 9th, 1997
Eek and stuff

Looks like there is a problem with Worldcraft 1.5b, in that it doesn't save entity key values correctly. So, it's probably not a good idea to use this. Bah. Expect Worldcraft 1.5c tomorrow. If you just have to check out the new icon and logo, go head and download it. They are very cool.

W O R L D C R A F T   1.5b !!!

Worldcraft 1.5b was released tonite. There is a new registered patch (version 1.3 to 1.5b) and a new 1.5b shareware version. Leach em from the Files section now! As usual, please send any bug reports to Worldcraft support. Also, check out the cool new logo!!! |2| (the graphics genius, yeah, that |2|) did an amazing job.

Here's what's new for 1.5b:


  • New icons and splash screen, courtesy of Walter |2| Costinak. These are great!
  • One vertex will snap to grid when you use the arrows to shift it, if it was not already on the grid.
  • The Alt+P map checker now detects solid entities with no solids attached to them. This happens rarely, but it's a pain to fix.
  • There's now an option to replace textures on hidden brushes.
  • There's now an option in the 2D Views tab to draw objects with the color of the group they belong to in the 2D views.
  • You can now combine multiple solid entities into a single entity with the toEntity command. You couldn't, before.
  • Copy/Paste entity properties buttons were added in the Object Properties dialog box. Select an entity, hit COPY, and all its attributes are saved. Select another entity, hit PASTE, and those attributes are copied over. Pretty cool.
  • When you move stuff in the 2D views, the original object remains in place once more.
  • Added arrows for texture scaling in the Texture Application Bar.


  • Ctrl+A stopped working to center the four views. Fixed.
  • Undoing texturing with the APPLY button in Texture Application mode didn't work. Fixed.
  • Undo didn't update the 3D preview properly (this bug was only in the last release.) Fixed.
  • The clip plane now uses the texture on existing faces of the brush you're clipping when it adds a face to a brush. It used to add whatever texture you currently had selected, which was a pain if that texture was water or slime or whatever.
  • The clip plane didn't work on grouped objects/solid entities. Fixed.
  • Sometimes visgroups would be created with a very very dark color. Fixed.
  • Snap to grid indicator was flipped sometimes. Fixed.
  • "Goto" in the entity report no longer closes the report window.
  • Moving brushes with the arrow keys wasn't recorded in Undo. Fixed.
  • Adding an object to the prefab library crashed Worldcraft. Fixed.

Video error

Just got this from the Worldcraft support dude: if you're getting a RM CreativeDeviceFromSurface() D3DRMERR_BADDEVICE error, its most likely due to you not running Windows in 16-bit color mode. Setting you'te color palette to 16-bit should fix this problem in most cases.

Got transparency. Don't got gl.

I've been meaning to find this for a while, and I saw it mentioned on Blue's News today. The Waterhack thingie! It basically allows non-glQuake users to have transparent water. From the top (dry side) water is invisible, so you can see any players/items in the water. From the wet side, it appears as it would in normal glQuake (I guess...i too am gl-deficient). I've posted the Waterhack file in the Files section under Editing Utilities. While you're at it, check out the Waterhack webpage.

What the hell is an 'autolycus', anyway?

Ok, I'm always asked where I got the nick autolycus from. No, its not from Xena. I had it first. :P The first time I found autolycus was when reading Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. Here is the first set of lines from him that I saw:

The Winter's Tale, IV.3.23 - 30

My traffic is sheets; when the kite builds. look to lesser
linen. My father named me Autolycus, who, being, as I
am, littered under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-up
of unconsidered trifles. With die and drab I purchased
this caparison, and my revenue is the silly cheat. Gal-
lows and knock are too powerful on the highway: beat-
ing and hanging are terrors to me. For the life to come, I
sleep out the thought of it. A prize! A prize!
23-4 My traffic is sheets; when the kite builds, look to lesser linen. The kite was notorius for stealing small pieces of linen for nest-building. Autolycus specializes in the stealing of sheets, which he then sells.
23 traffic. saleable commodities, merchandise
24 Autolycus. The name is derived from Greek myth, in which Autolycus is the son of Hermes and the grandfather of Odysseus. He is referred to in the Odyssey as one 'who excelled all men in thievery and in oaths', and in Ovid's Metamorphoses as 'a wily pie, | And in such a fellow as in theft and filching had no peer' (Book XI, Golding's translation)
  who. This refers to My father, not to Autolycus
25 littered under Mercury. born when the planet Mercury was in the ascendant. The god Mercury was the patron of thieves. As the conception of the planets had become fused with that of the gods after whom they were named, the influence of the planet Mercury was believed to promote thievery. Autolycus therefore jestingly attributes his and his father's propensity for stealing to Mercury's ascendancy at their birth.
26-7 With die and drab I purchased this caparison. gaming and whoring brought me to these rags (literally 'Though dice and harlot I procured this apparel')
27 my revenue is the silly cheat. (either 'My income consists in humble booty' or 'My income derives from simple trickery'; Autolycus is contrasting his lowly but comparatively safe way of making a living with the risky life of a highwayman)
27-8 Gallows and knock. hanging (the punishment for highway robbery) and hard blows (which the highwayman may receive from his intended victim)
29 For the life to come. probably 'as for the life in the next world' rather than simply 'as for the future'; like Macbeth, who is ready to 'jump the life to come' if he can escape punishment in this world (Macbeth I7.7), Autolycus refuses to worry about divine punishment in the after-life

So...there's more than you ever needed to know about Autolycus. Note that I don't capitalize the 'a' (because I'm a difficult bastard).


October 7th, 1997
Mapping job thing

Saw this on Redwood's. Over at Bolt Action Software there is a Quake Level Designer Wanted for a short term project. There aren't too many details, but the mapper who is picked gets paid $2000 for his or her work.

Lame email o' the day

Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 15:24:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: hey

Can you send me Worldcraft 2.0 Beta ?

h3y, y3Ah. sUr3 d00d. n0 pR0bl3m. 3rr...wA|T...n0. y0u suC.

(sorry...had to talk so they could understand me...bah)

Hey, A Banner!

Well...I figured it was about time the Forge had a banner, and hell, I was feeling creative. What do you think?

banner by

One thing I hate is huge graphic stuff and waiting for big animated gifs to load. If you feel the same way, you have got to check out the Gif Wizard. It shrunk my banner from 20K to 10K. How cool is that? It is the shiznit! I think i'll use it lots. :)

Whoa, interviews

There's a ton of interviews to check out. Got this list at sCary's. Most of these are from...uh...C? (I guess thats what its called), with the exception of the second interview with Harry Teasley, which is from

FGD stuff

Haven't gotten much feedback on the Zer FGD yet. Is it working ok? Did I miss stuff? Are there mistakes? Hope its working good. The next FGD project will be the Hexen II FGD. I'm hoping to have that ready sometime this week, as long as Raven releases the utils and .hc code.

What about the files?

Oh yeah, you probably noticed already...the files are back online. (and there was much rejoicing). heh.


October 3rd, 1997
Files? Uh, no...

I am Mordac, Minister in Charge of Misplacing Things. I have come with tales of misplaced files. Er...if you're looking for files here today...uh...well...they're not here. Planetquake had some upgrades done today, and the PQ files haven't been mirrored to yet (as of 10:30 pm PST). They should be back online soon. Until then, go amuse yourself.


Saw this in the #Gamespy topic on 3DNet IRC:

GameSpy will be released tonight at 6 PM PST / 9 PM EST
w00p! Be there or something.


October 2nd, 1997
Last update tonite, honest

The Zerstörer FGD version 1.1 is now posted in the Files section. I went through the .QC code and I think I got all the entities...please correct me if I haven't. Have fun or something.

Solaris Quake problem

Got this from Ken Alverson:

There is a bug in Solaris Quake that prevents it from correctly loading maps in which the chunks in the bsp file are not on four byte boundaries. This was brought to my attention when several people were trying to run PainKeep 1.1 servers on Solaris boxes, and were getting core dumps and such. I wrote a utility to fix the maps, and it is included with the PainKeep 1.11 patch, but several people have requested the program seperately, so here it is. It is a small c program that should compile without a hitch using gcc or any standard c compiler.

So there ya go. The file is bspalign.gz and its in the Files section under Editing Utilities. Get it if ya need it.

Z is for, er...uh...F is for FGD

Almost forgot to post this :) The Zerstörer FGD is mostly done, as far as the Developers Kit is concerned. I'm going to go through the .QC souce to add any of the entities that were left out, like the cutscene stuff. For now, you can play with it and let me know if anything doesn't work. Check it out in the Files section.

A note about FGD files and Worldcraft (version 1.5+): Worldcraft will use the first FGD file it comes across in the Worldcraft directory. The way I have my FGD's set is like this: I have the files hipnotic.fgd.x, rogue.fgd.x, quake.fgd.x, and Zerstörer.fgd.x. When I want to use one of them, I just remove the .x. This makes keeping track of which FGD is which much easier, as opposed to having to rename them quake.fgd.

Half-Life, a word from The Man, and the Other Man

Just received this email from Gabe Newall:

Sierra is sending out the release below letting people know that Half-Life won't be shipping until the first quarter of next year. This is a total bummer for us here at Valve, for everyone at Sierra, and, I'm certain, for all of you who have been doing such a great job supporting us.

The problem is pretty simple, Half-Life is a very intricate and detailed game, and it's taking us longer to get it done than we thought. We considered simplifying parts of the game or dropping some features to try and cut back on the amount of work, but in the end we decided it was best to keep building the product we all believe in and take our lumps on the schedule.

It still sucks, though.

Anyhow, I wanted to make sure you all heard about this directly from us rather than from some other source. We greatly appreciate everything you have done to support Half-Life, and we think the game is going to more than live up to your expectations.

Gabe Newell
Managing Director, Valve

and the word from the Other Man, over at Sierra:

Greetings from Eric Twelker at Sierra!

Just want to update you on an important development:

First and foremost, Half-Life's release date (originally slated for mid-November) is slipping. Though I can't offer a new ship date until late next week, it will most likely slide into a 1Q98 ship. Also note that a playable demo (on CD and downloadable) will be available approx. 30 days prior to the release of the final product.

We are all extremely excited about Half-Life and are confident that this small delay will be worth the wait for action game fans! I'll get back to you within the next 10 days on the revised ship date.

In the meantime, you may want to review........


10. We resisted Ultima Online but got sucked into Oprah's bookclub
9. Wasted 300 development hours catapulting sheep
8. Gabe and Mike learned scheduling at Microsoft
7. We're having problems making it year 2000 compatible
6. El Nino
5. Redoing the models so they all have ponytails
4. Wedge put his eye out with his new pellet machine gun
3. Spending too much time on our .plan files
2. Everything is finished; just waiting on the "Bill Gates Mansion" level


1. Forgot to add mandatory Satanic references

Shucks...that does suck. But, I'm glad they're making the decision to delay rather than cutting out content and features. Plus, it'll give Ben more time to add cool stuff into Worldcraft 2.0! Hey, there's always a bright side to things! :) I'm looking quite forward to the release of this's going to provide many new editing possibilities, and heck, the special version of Worldcraft will be worth the price of admission. (Think of it as paying for Worldcraft and getting a free top-notch game...heh...that's kinda cool...)

Z is for textures? Well, no...but...

I just threw up the Zerstörer texture WAD. Well, I mean, I didn't throw up or anything, even if that fetus texture is kinda gross, but, uh...hey, just download it or something! :) Any texture that is also in the Quake, Hipnotic, or Rogue texture WAD has been removed. Its in the Files section. Expect a Zerstörer FGD very soon.

Z is for Zerstörer

Hmm...I've been away from reality lately or something, so I just got around to checking out the Zer mission pack. Very cool stuff. Im working on a Zerstörer FGD file so all you editing fiends can make levels with the Zer entities, and I have an optimized texture wad ready as well (it only includes the unique Zer textures). Just waiting on word from one of the Zer guys on whether they want me to post the stuff or not.

Maybe i'm just bored...

I uh...was bored so I reorganized the old news stuff. If there's something you want to look up from the news archives here, its a bit easier now. I notice May was a bit sparse...moving sucked.


October 1st, 1997
linux flavored wQBSP

Ken Alverson sent me this bit of email:

Just wanted to mention the guy who did the linux compile for me. (I dual boot with linux, but I just didn't have time to do it myself)

Anthony J Martin

How cool is that?

Spiral StaircaseJust playing around with a Worldcraft 2.0 beta, and I have to say, it has some very cool features. The spiral staircase to the right took about 18 seconds to build.

The Green Ribbon campaign

I've been meaning to post something about this for quite a while. This is definitely a worthy cause, and heck, it costs nothing and adds alot to the community. Check out the Quake Community Green Ribbon Campaign homepage. Here is a run down on what its about:

We the people of the Quake Community, in order to form a more perfect union, hereby proclaim our right to freedom of speech and respect for others when exercising this right.
  • A person's dignity is inviolable.
  • Everyone shall have the right to develop and to present themselves in any way they like, as long as no one else's rights are violated.
  • Everyone shall have the right to make public their opinions and beliefs in an uncensored manner. This right finds its limits in the respect for others.


Current News
The Forge: The Official Worldcraft Editing Site - ©1997