How Do We Store Guides?(October 2, 2017, by Jax)Ever wondered how we store & serve guides on the site? Grab your reading glasses, I'll explain everything. |
How to Contribute to VDU(October 9, 2017, by Jax)Information on how to contribute content to the Valve Developer Union site. |
The Unofficial Official VDU Style Guide(October 11, 2017)So, you wanna write a guide for us, yeah? We're always open to submissions, but we strongly recommend you read our style guide first. |
State of the Valve Developer Union, 2017(December 24, 2017)An essay detailing the Valve Developer Union's plans for the coming year, and how we plan to expand. |
Making the Jump to Raw Oats(January 26, 2018, by Jax)An essay documenting my experience and addiction to eating raw oats. |
VDU Testimonials(Unreleased, slated for January 27, 2018)VDU has a long history of serving the greater Valvegoing public for over 250 years. Here's some testimonials. |
Where in the World is the Valve Developer Union?(March 15, 2018)A quick update on why the Valve Developer Union seems to have stopped posting content, and when we'll be back. |