BSP Quake Editor
(November 1, 2017)
BSP is a level editor for Quake, Quake II, and GoldSrc games. Unlike Worldcraft's system of different tools for different functions related to creating and modifying brushes, BSP features a combination approach, where brushes are created, faces are selected, vertices are shifted about, and textures are applied with the same general movements. BSP's windows for selecting textures, setting keyvalues, grid work and 3D previews can all be shifted around or disabled individually if desired.

BSP has its share of rather quirky features. Entities are placed by creating brushes and turning them into the specified entity using the "Make Entity" button, the camera in the 3D preview is entirely keyboard-controlled using the arrow keys and the upper navigation keys (Home, End, etc.), and options have to be saved with the "Write BSP.cfg" and "Write Game.cfg" options. BSP also comes with a variety of batch files for different compiling scenarios (such as fast compiling and leak checking), accessible through its Export menu.
A tutorial on how to use BSP is featured above.
As of May 2018, BSP is being updated once again. Since version .97a, the program has been updated with better mouselook and FGD support, among a laundry list of other features, and only runs on Windows 7 or later. The most recent version before this, a custom build with x64 support called CleanBSP, and the last official build to run on pre-7 systems, .96d, are also available below. As a final point of archiving, the last Yahn Bernier build of BSP is mirrored here (.93b), though it is very old and buggy and not recommended for general use.