(October 14, 2017)
bspfix is a command-line tool for converting Half-Life: Blue Shift maps to the normal Half-Life BSP format and vice versa. When Gearbox released the Blue Shift expansion, a change in format made Half-Life: Blue Shift maps incompatible with map decompilers and other tools created by modders. bspfix converts these so that they may work with modder tools again. If needed, bspfix can also convert normal Half-Life BSPs to the Blue Shift format.

as decompiled by WinBSPC after being converted with bspfixTo use bspfix, drag a BSP onto the executable and type y
at the Command Prompt. It's recommended that you keep a backup of the original map for safekeeping.
Sample output:
bspfix ba_canal1.bsp bspfix v1.1 by tschumann Based on bshift_swap by prearle Blue Shift format .bsp file Press y to convert to Half-Life format .bsp Press n to quit
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