Canyon Terrain Editor
(February 2, 2018)
Canyon Terrain Editor is a program for generating, sculpting, and otherwise playing with terrain. The UI of the program is very similar to the SimCity 4 terrain editor. Options are available for generating random terrain, painting with a variety of brushes, raising, lowering, smoothing, and eroding what's been created. Users can also create their own brushes with an image editor.

The detail and amount of vertices available to paint increases exponentially, starting at 9x9 and going to 17x17, 33x33, 65x65, 257x257, 513x513, and higher, though higher values will make the program more unstable. The program defaults to 65x65, and even 17x17 is more than enough for Quake or GoldSrc mapping.

Canyon will output in many different formats, including the Quake .map format (the original, not Valve220, so it won't work directly with Hammer 4.0), Quake III's .map format, OBJ, and a variety of heightmaps and normalmaps in TGA format. Both map formats and the OBJ file are exported untextured. Some of the TGA formats are shown below. (To switch formats, use the function keys, F5 through F11.)

The Canyon Terrain Editor was created by Entar, and the official website for it can be found here.