Quake Map Sources and Original WADs
(June 29, 2018)
In 2006, in time for Quake's 10th anniversary, John Romero dipped into his personal archives and released the map sources for the game under the GPL.
Since it's Quake 1's tenth anniversary this year (starting June 22nd) I thought I'd dig up and release all of Quake's original map sources. For all these years the only possible way to glean any information from Quake's internal format was from BSP deconstruction programs - but those had problems with tons of brushes generated from insane BSP splits.
These consist of the start level, all four episodes, the deathmatch maps, and the end boss level, as well as the sources for all ammo and items (as these are BSP files like any other). These sources are fully compilable out of the box and can be modified for any purpose, so long as the sources for the derivatives are released as well.

, "The Dark Zone"Also available below are the original WAD files necessary to load and build these levels. These will not work with the Quake WAD Overhaul Project, as they were not created with those WADs in mind. As messy and incomplete as the ones featured here are, they should be able to load the maps without issue. If you're still missing textures, load the included QUAKE101.WAD

, "The Vaults of Zin"Keep in mind that these sources, though close to final, are based off slightly earlier versions of the levels, so differences in item placement and geometry do exist.