The Forge The Worldcraft University

About - Class Schedules - Logs and Files
About the Worldcraft University

The Worldcraft University hosts weekly live IRC sessions where experts give lessons for those who are learning. All examples are done with worldcraft, which we feel is the best editor out there. Also, we will occasionally have special guests from the quake community who will impart much of their ancient wisdom upon the masses. Class logs, example maps and files will be available here, and will be posted after the class sometime the same day (we try, anyway). Most WCU members also hang out on the IRC at sometime during their day. WCU members can be found in #worldcraft, usually on the Undernet IRC. Please feel free to email us with any questions concerning WCU classes or worldcraft.

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Date: ?
Time: ?
Topic: ?
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Teacher: ?
WCU Logs & Files
04/27/97 This class was about miscellaneous func and trigger entities, and adding things to your levels. This was the first class taught by Dumbals, and i'd like to thank him for volunteering. I will have an example map from him posted here soon.
04/13/97 - html
This class covered the quake.fgd file, and how to modify it, covering all aspects of the FGD format, how to make your own FGD entities, and how to modify Worldcraft's default quake.fgd to accept your own and other people's modifications. There are FGD examles, as well as a brief tutorial, available in the Add-ons section.
This class covered the following entities: trap_lightning, trap_lightning_triggered, trap_lightning_switched, trap_gravity_well, trap_tesla_coil, trap_gods_wrath, func_train2, and trigger_usekey, as well as a few random questions at the end. The example map for this level contains each of the mentioned trap_ entities in a suitable situation. More info on all these entities can be found in the Entity section here at The Forge.
03/16/97 - html
This is a highly entertaining log file. There is a lot of good and interesting stuff in here too. Levelord, ParadoX, Giggler, and sCary all showed did a bunch of the quake 'leet. This is probably the most entertaining class log i've seen. Hmm...the next Hipnotic game sounds...interesting... :)
I think this class went extremely well, considering the short notice i'm sure everyone had. Once again, i'm sorry, my fault. I hopefully made everything clear with my explanations, because the topic - rotating entities, doors, and trains - is quite confusing at first. This is the first time I have made a level to go along with the class...i hope it contains enough info to be helpful! :) The zipped map/bsp file also contains a file called rotation.txt, which more clearly explains the relationship between the targets/targetnames.
03/09/97 This was an excellent class. Somberfire gives plenty of tips and advice on how to use good editing technique to make fast levels. r_speeds and r_drawflat are also discussed. Towards the end of the class, Ben Morris also dropped by to give a bit of info about whats in store for the next release of Worldcraft.

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