The Forge Quake Entities
page 2 - standard Quake entities

creates lightning
Lightning is a very simple, yet rather confusing thing to work with. I'm not sure who initially figured it out, but I figured out how to use lightning after reading the documentation for the '10,000 volt surprise', which was written by Dan Proietti . and Jeff Bedard and was found at the QuakeLab.

First, you must place an event_lightning somewhere in your map, and give it a "targetname" of something unique, like "zap" . Then you must decide where to place the electrodes, which are what the lightning will go between. The electrodes are actually two func_doors. To set up the electrodes, you should give both of them "targetname"s of "nothing" or something unique that will never be triggered. Then, give them both "target" s of "lightning". The actual lightning seems to appear about 12 units below the func_doors.

Now, to trigger the lightning, you must set up a trigger entity to activate the "targetname" of the event lightning, in this case "zap". To deactivate the trap, all I have done is placed as button with no "target" entry, but I have added a "killtarget" attribute that kills off the trigger.
"targetname" name of entity, trigger to start lightning
used to kill Cthon (shareware boss)
see also:
entity appears unless player has all four sigils
a button, used to trigger events
A button is set up much like a door. You have to specify an direction (angle) which it will move, as well as a speed.
this is the event the button will trigger, when pressed
allows a button to be triggered by other triggers
this will kill certain entities, when used on their "targetname"
number of seconds before resetting (-1 stays pressed)
see also:
A teleporter that only appears in deathmatch games
see also:
creates a door entity which be free opening, triggered open, or require the correct key
Making a door is quite simple. First, create the brush(es) that will be the visible door. Then, select the brush, and turn it into a func_door entity. The only thing you will have to do to make it work, initially, is to set the correct opening angle (0 - 360, or -1 for up, -2 for down).

A door can also be made to act as a platform that starts at the top position, and lowers. To do this, you must set the angle to -2 (down), and set the "lip" to the distance it must travel downward, minus the vertical thickness of the platform.
door's trigger name (use to make triggerable/togglable)
amount remaining at end of move (can be negative)
allows the door to be "shot" open
door starts open, when triggered it closes
does not link action to multiple door brushes (?)
requires gold key
requires silver key
door waits for trigger in both open and closed states
see also:
create a secret door which must be shot or otherwise triggered open
a secret door is constructed in the same way as the standard door, except that it has different flags and keys/values.
door's trigger name (use to make triggerable/togglable)
amount remaining at end of move (can be negative)
once open, stays open
first move is left of arrow
first move is down from arrow
only opened by trigger
even if targeted, keep shootable
see also:
entity appears if player has appropriate episode sigil (can block player from entering the gate, once that episode has been completed.
appears after completing episode 1
appears after completing episode 2
appears after completing episode 3
appears after completing episode 4
creates a brush that appears solid, but isn't
cannot be killed by a "killtarget"
creates a lift/elevator, which starts at the bottom, and rises to the top position
First, create the brush structure, then turn it into a func_plat. In your map, the func_plat must be drawn in the elevated position, and its "height" key must be given a value equal to the distance it will "rise" (which, in the map, is the distance from the where it is drawn, to where it should start). This "height" value cannot be negative. For a platform that starts at the top, and descends, use a func_door.
"height" determines the distance the plat will move, once activated
see also:
a platform that moves along a path.
Create the trains brush model first. Note that the train does *not* have to be created in the position you want it to first appear at, as it will warp to its first path_corner as soon as the level starts. This allows you to create proper lighting for it, even if it initially appears in a dark room. Once it is create you must specify its first stop target (path_corner).
if specified, then the train must be triggered to start
the train's first stop target (path_corner)
see also:
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